Tommy Skeoch is one of those rare individuals
whose music and pure talent shine as strongly as his fierce personality. The musical depth and integrity within him; whether
it be a heart-felt ballad or a fist-pumpin rocker is a value too often overlooked in music today. Tommy's accoustic finess
combined with his electrical genius has remained intact throughout personal battles and an ever changing music scene. Often
misjudged because of his onstage persona;Tommy Skeoch is in my opinion the epitomy of what a rock & roll musician should
be. Yet behind it all is a man with heart and soul. Not to mention a sense of humor. We need more musicians with the intensity
and honest love for music like Tommy. May you continue to fill our lives and our hearts with your unique style. Sometimes
contoversial; but all in all a wonderful man with an incredible gift. And I thank you for the gift of your friendship. Thanks
for rockin us in the past, the present; and defintly in the future. LOVE YOU MOTHER FUCKER!! ~Kristine~
I've never been blown away by an artists playing
as I have Tommy Skeoch. He gives his soul to his music and every cord seems to come from within him. His integrity shines
through his music making it timeless. In what I have read and heard about him integrity is what Tommy values most about music.
I truly believe he lives and breathes his music making them one and the same. Realizing how good it was to be back with his
"brothers" was a beatiful thing for me. More fans should appreciate Tommy on a personal level. He is a normal man who is getting
to live out his dreams; and may Tommy and Tesla continue to make this beatiful thing calles music for years to come. ~Melissa~
Tommy is truly a great guitar player. His performances
reek awesome! As I listen to him and Frank harmonize it is not only beautiful but puts me in a trance at times. A "guitar
mode" if you will. Tommy is the perfect compliment to Frank and to Tesla. May he continue to give us his wonderful gift of
music for a long time to come. Much love to ya Tommy. Rock On Mother Fucker!~Miya~
I think so highly of our beloved Tommy.
On stage he is solid and gives 100%. He is agressive and strong. To have the privilage of getting to know him has been even
better. Tommy has bad days as we all do but the next day he will be the funny and sweet man we all know he is. KEEP ROCKIN
MOTHER FUCKER & as always HANG TOUGH. ~Katrina~
Tommy Skeoch is probably one of the most influential
guitarists I have ever seen live. I have been playing for about 15 years now. You see them come and go yet Tommy Skeoch and
Frank Hannon seem to outlast them all. His stage persona,attitude & playing ability are far above the rest. Don't forget
backup vocals as well! Tommy does an outstanding job with everything. AND he does it all with cigarrete in hand! He is always
there for the fans and opening acts as well. In conclusion;Freaky you did an excellent job on paying tribute to one of the
most influential rock guitarists of our time.
Tommy Skeoch. Wow who'd have ever imagined
what your future would hold. You have been my friend since the 8th grade & never too busy for a friendly hello or the
concerned,"are you alright" even in high school. You may have been quiet back them but nothing ever got past you. After high
school we went our separate ways. You took a wild ride to the top. I took a ride to the alter,a long time marriage & motherhood.
Over the past 20 years our paths have crossed from time to time & you have never been anything less than the friend I
remembered. I know this is supposed to be a musical tribute but I had to say something about the man behind the guitar. My
friend;with a big heart and a soul who has feelings and bleeds like the rest of us. The guy who has never forgotten where
he came from. I once heard someone say that if Tommy becomes your friend he will never be anything less than that. Truer words
were never spoken. Tommy, may this find you stupid happy in love and in good health. May your return to the top be swift and
long-lasting. You are truly one of a kind.
My friendship is with you forever, Terri
Tommy Skeoch is a wonderfully gifted musician.
Too many artists in the biz are packaged & really have no talent. Talent is something Tommy has plenty of & it shines
every time he takes the stage. The compatability between Tommy & Frank is unequaled both past & present. Tommy
can grab the audience with his musical genius one minute and then with his in your face attitude the next moment! He is a
true rocker and we need more musicians like him. Tommy you are awesome and I've enjoyed every one of your performances to